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Statuses and codes

There are 3 unique statuses as follows:

  • Success: When the intent of the request is successful e.g. an Approval from the ProcessAuthorisation API.
  • Failed: When the intent of the request is unsuccessful e.g. a Decline from the ProcessAuthorisation API.
  • Error: When there is a problem with the request or an unexpected error.

The following table defines statuses, codes, and messages returned by the humm APIs. The reason for the unique codes is to make life a bit easier for integrators that want to display their own custom messages.

Status Code API Message
Success SCRK01 CreateKey Success
Success SINV01 Invite Success
Success SPRA01 ProcessAuthorisation Approved
Success SPSA01 ProcessSalesAdjustment Approved
Success SPAR01 ProcessSalesAdjustmentReversal Approved
Success SSER01 SendReceipt Success
Pending SPND01 ProcessAuthorisation (Big Things only) Pending
Cancelled FCNL01 ProcessAuthorisation (Big Things only) Cancelled
Failed FPRA01 ProcessAuthorisation Declined due to internal risk assessment against the customer
Failed FPRA02 ProcessAuthorisation Declined due to insufficient funds for the deposit
Failed FPRA03 ProcessAuthorisation Declined as communication to the bank is currently unavailable
Failed FPRA04 ProcessAuthorisation Declined because the customer limit has been exceeded
Failed FPRA05 ProcessAuthorisation Declined due to negative payment history for the customer
Failed FPRA06 ProcessAuthorisation Declined because the credit-card used for the deposit is expired
Failed FPRA07 ProcessAuthorisation Declined because supplied posTransactionRef has already been processed
Failed FPRA08 ProcessAuthorisation Declined because the instalment amount was below the minimum threshold
Failed FPRA09 ProcessAuthorisation Declined because purchase amount exceeded pre-approved amount
Failed FPRA21 ProcessAuthorisation The Barcode was not found
Failed FPRA22 ProcessAuthorisation The Barcode has already been used
Failed FPRA23 ProcessAuthorisation The Barcode has expired
Failed FPRA24 ProcessAuthorisation The Barcode has been cancelled
Failed FPRA99 ProcessAuthorisation Declined
Failed FPSA01 ProcessSalesAdjustment Unable to find the specified POS transaction reference
Failed FPSA02 ProcessSalesAdjustment This contract has already been completed
Failed FPSA03 ProcessSalesAdjustment This humm contract has previously been cancelled and all payments collected have been refunded to the customer
Failed FPSA04 ProcessSalesAdjustment Sales adjustment cannot be processed for this amount
Failed FPSA05 ProcessSalesAdjustment Unable to process a sales adjustment for this contract. Please contact Merchant Services on [CollectionsPhone] during business hours for further information
Failed FPSA06 ProcessSalesAdjustment Sales adjustment cannot be processed. Please call humm Collections on [CollectionsPhone]
Failed FPSA07 ProcessSalesAdjustment Sales adjustment cannot be processed at this store
Failed FPSA08 ProcessSalesAdjustment Sales adjustment cannot be processed for this transaction. Duplicate receipt number found.
Failed FPSA09 ProcessSalesAdjustment Amount must be greater than 0.
Failed FPAR01 ProcessSalesAdjustmentReversal Unable to find the specified POS signature
Failed FPAR02 ProcessSalesAdjustmentReversal This contract has already been completed
Failed FPAR03 ProcessSalesAdjustmentReversal This humm contract has previously been cancelled and all payments collected have been refunded to the customer
Failed FPAR05 ProcessSalesAdjustmentReversal Unable to process a sales adjustment for this contract. Please contact Merchant Services on [CollectionsPhone] during business hours for further information
Failed FPAR06 ProcessSalesAdjustmentReversal Sales adjustment adjustment cannot be processed. Please call humm Collections on [CollectionsPhone]
Failed FPAR07 ProcessSalesAdjustmentReversal Sales adjustment adjustment cannot be processed at this store
Failed FPAR08 ProcessSalesAdjustmentReversal Sales adjustment adjustment cannot be processed for this transaction. Duplicate signature found.
Failed FSER01 SendReceipt Unable to find the specified POS transaction reference
Failed FSER02 SendReceipt The specified POS transaction reference is already in use
Failed FCRK01 CreateKey Device token provided could not be found
Failed FCRK02 CreateKey Device token provided has already been used
Error EVAL01 * Validation error
Error EVAL02 ProcessAuthorisation Minimum finance amount is $1
Error EAUT01 * Authentication error
Error ESIG01 * Signature mismatch error
Error EISE01 * Internal server error